City Council's
rule has favoured developers
Delegation after delegation have sat at City Council meetings and addressed the councillors to no avail.
Our councillors have often voted in favour of developer interests. Towers have been going up everywhere simply because they are profitable. Developer interests - not community interests - have been catered to, and our city is transitioning from beautiful to unlivable.
Below are a couple of examples.
It's not market forces but communities
that should determine development in our city

Council approves Marine Gardens Development - 445 SW Marine Drive - Concorde Pacific
- Anita Romaniuk
Up for a vote was the development of two residential towers 27 and 21 storeys high and a seven-storey residential building, containing a total of 582 residential units. The residents objected submitting that the multiple towers did not contain truly affordable housing and destroyed the trees on the site.
The original Marine Gardens development was a multi-family townhouse/duplex complex that was built in the 1970’s as a “model” for future housing by a local developer. Although privately owned, it provided housing at affordable rates. The original owner sold it in 2008 and it was then resold to Concorde Pacific in 2011. The site was originally a park called Delta View.
False Creek: Council reneges on promise of park
The residents of False Creek condos have been waging a long fight to get Vancouver City Council to build the park that was promised to them more than a decade ago [Vancouver Metro, June 12th 2014 - Click on the picture to see article].
In 2015 the residents took City Hall to court but, as the March 4th 2015 Vancouver Sun reported, the B.C. Supreme Court said that the City did nothing wrong in allowing Concord Pacific to continue using a future park on False Creek for commercial purposes [Click on the underlined part to read the article].

Now they are planning to eliminate neighbourhood community centres
Not only is City Council densifying without giving us more amenities. They want to take the existing amenities away. They are planning to close small local community centres and pools and expand a few big ones. The self-proclaimed proponents of walkable communities are making sure that many fewer people are able to walk, or even bike, to the pool or the gym. Neighbourhoods will lose the very spots that allow them to have some community life. And why? The land grab, of course. Close local community centres, tear them down, pave their park land and continue to build monster concrete buildings to fill the pockets of the already rich developers. No way! We want community centres to be places where we can congregate and meet small and local, as opposed to huge and impersonal.

Vested interests must not dominate the electoral process
Developer money creates conflict of interest. Whoever pays for the
election campaigns of the winners is bound to call the tune. We need to put a limit to the influence of money